Martin SchlichtScrum Master, electrical engineer
Web: (English) (Deutsch) www.Maennercoach.Berlin Mail: [email protected] Adr: Mittelstr. 4, 38527 Meine, Germany Mob: +49 176 2926 3816 |
My strengths |
In a team |
I would hire Martin as a Scrum Master and Agile Coach in a heartbeat if my company wasn't based in Australia. 2pi Software has grown to 25 employees and I realise more and more how important it is that our teams not only produce good software, but also feel seen and really supported. And that's where Martin is better than I can be with all my other responsibilities. I have known him since 1988, have solved many problems together with him and have always sought and appreciated his support as a coach. His communicational strengths, his life experience and his technical solution thinking make him an excellent servant leader who will make a true difference in an agile team. |
Carsten Eckelmann
Owner and Managing Director, 2pi Software in Bega, Australia |